The Discovering Statistics program is a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide graduate students with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience. The course includes interactive lessons, embedded videos, and quizzes. These activities are aimed at helping students gain a deep understanding of statistical concepts and develop confidence in conducting statistical analyses and interpreting the output.
Built with the non-statistician graduate student in mind, the objective of this program is to equip students with the necessary skills to conduct statistical analyses, accurately interpret output, and effectively consume quantitative research with ease. Upon completion of these modules, it is intended that students will have gained a solid foundation in statistical literacy and the ability to confidently apply their understanding in academic and professional settings. The program is well structured to cater to the needs of graduate students who wish to acquire statistical skills to support their research and studies.
The Discovering Statistics program is a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide graduate students with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience. The program comprises of a range of introductory and advanced modules. The lessons cover fundamental statistical concepts such as research design, correlation analysis, t-tests, ANOVA, non-parametric tests, and data visualization.
Invitation to Attend a Demonstration of the Discovering Statistics Curriculum and Intellectus Statistics Tool: Enhance Statistical Literacy and Research Capabilities
During a demonstration, you will have the opportunity to learn about the various features and capabilities of the curriculum and tool, as well as the different options for acquiring them, such as student purchase or department/institutional purchase (referred to as Open Access). We will also provide information on the resources and support services that are available to assist with implementation and instruction. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn about this valuable resource and its potential to enhance the statistical literacy and research capabilities of our students and faculty.
Acquiring the Discovering Statistics Curriculum and Intellectus Statistics Tool: Student Purchase and Department/Institutional Open Access Options
The Discovering Statistics curriculum and the Intellectus Statistics tool can be obtained through two primary means: student purchase or department/institutional purchase (referred to as Open Access).
Under the student purchase option, individuals can purchase the Intellectus Statistics tool, the accompanying courses and workbooks, and additional resources for a period of six months. Faculty teaching the course can provide students with a link to access the tool and course materials, and in turn, receive access to the materials at no cost. This approach allows for integration of the course materials within the institution’s Learning Management System (LMS).
The department/institutional purchase, or Open Access, is another option to acquire the Discovering Statistics curriculum and the Intellectus Statistics tool. Under this option, the entire department or institution obtains access to the tool and materials, the fee for access is heavily discounted for the tool, course materials, and additional resources, training is provided at no cost. This approach allows for widespread adoption and integration of the curriculum across the department or institution, supporting the development of statistical literacy and research capabilities among students and faculty.
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