Recovering Learning Loss in Quantitative Reasoning:


We are excited to partner with Merlot and their Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) Program to support your students to recover and advance their quantitative reasoning skills with a statistics course + tool to allow them to succeed in college as they return to classes aft her the COVID pandemic.

Learning Loss During the COVID Pandemic:

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many incoming college freshmen will begin this academic year without having mastered foundational math concepts. High school seniors are among the many students who have lost learning opportunities and time to practice math skills. Even without a global pandemic, math knowledge and skills often pose major challenges for first-year students in college.

What can be done to help students obtain the learning they need to succeed?

1. Focus on STATISTICS as the quantitative reasoning skills that meet GENERAL EDUCATION requirements.  STATISTICS puts the math skills in contexts of everyday problems students need to solve in a world of uncertainties.

2. Provide an Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) technology (under $30) that empowers students learning with scaffolding tools and AI like drafting technology that create models for solving statistical problems. Intellectus Statistics also blends Open Educational Resources found in MERLOT to augment its services without adding costs.

3.  Learn statistics without computer programming.  IS provides user-friendly technology that guides students through a critical thinking, decision making process without having to learn programming skills.

FOR THE INSTRUCTORS: Intellectus includes a complete set of online course content and homework problems for the basic concepts in statistics. The course materials also provide help for students for their basic math skills needed in statistics. You spend your time using your talents teaching statistics and not computer programming.

FOR THE STUDENTS:  Intellectus provides a workbook of statistical problems to practice what they have learned, and a student-friendly online textbook that explains and illustrates the basic concepts in statistics.