The adoption of data analysis tools in research and education is a complex process that
often begins with individual faculty members. In the case of Intellectus, a data analysis
tool that has been gaining popularity among individual faculty members for its utility and
cost-effectiveness, the process of adoption starts with individual faculty members who
have experienced the benefits of the tool and introduce it to other faculty and
department directors for departmental consideration. This step in the adoption process
can lead to the adoption of Intellectus at one or multiple matriculation levels, such as
DNP, PhD, masters, or undergraduate programs.

As the adoption of Intellectus expands within a department, it often catches the attention
of college deans who see the broader potential application of the tool to other
departments within their college. This leads to a deeper understanding of the tool’s
capabilities and a wider dissemination of its benefits.

College deans may also collaborate with deans from other colleges to explore the
benefits of Intellectus. This can lead to the adoption of Intellectus at the institutional
level, as Chief Academic Officers and Vice Provosts recognize the utility of the tool for
students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

Finally, the adoption of Intellectus can also extend to the system level, as several
institutions within a system adopt the tool and the Chancellor’s office sees the potential
for system level integration and cost savings.

This case study highlights the roadmap of the adoption of Intellectus from individual to
institution, highlighting the key steps and actors involved in the process.

The maximum upload size is 100MB. The number of rows and columns can vary based on the number of numeric variables and the number of levels within nominal variables.

Yes, they can be requested by emailing [email protected].

Intellectus is the premier tool to learn about statistical analyses as faculty don’t waste time “teaching the tool” and students have numerous opportunities to learn how to interpret and write results with the AutoDrafting technology, and ample practice on “raw output” through example datasets, Intellectus’ Statistics Course, and test bank. In our view, the time to learn and think about statistics, and how to write, is not in the dissertation process, but rather in their statistics course. The statistics course, done well, will prepare them to independently write their quantitative dissertation (saving the faculty mentor about 4-5 hours/student).  Moreover, in the dissertation process, students use the tool and AutoDrafting to streamline their results chapter draft and to put into their own voice.  We’ve published all output with Turn-it-in to dissuade students from just pasting. The process of learning is in their statistics class and the time to accurately and rigorously draft results is in the dissertation process.

Yes, we support the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

Current APA guidelines require that you cite software used as part of a research study. To adhere to these guidelines, please use the following citation when utilizing Intellectus Statistics™ in your research:

Intellectus Statistics. (2019). Intellectus Statistics [Online computer software]. Retrieved from

No, Intellectus Statistics™ is a stand-alone platform. You do not need to have access to SPSS, SAS, STATA or any other analysis program to use Intellectus Statistics™.

View our Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Checklist here.

Yes! Intellectus is web-based so it can be used on any operating system. All you need is an internet connection.

A usability study was published in 2018 comparing Intellectus Statistics and SPSS differences in user performance based on presentation of statistical data. You can read the full study here.